Payment system integration


Our regular client, a Canadian-based affiliate marketing agency, faced the problem of synchronizing the receipt of funds with various services of the company. They turned to us to develop SoltexPay, an internal solution which facilitates and automates the work with customers’ payments, taking into account their current state.
ITSDev team decided to create a unified central system accepting payments from clients and issuing invoices.
We integrated the system into other solutions of the company, while maintaining the functionality of the old system until the client would be ready to switch to the new functionality completely. For this, ITSDev team delivered separate services that were part of larger software ecosystems and were integrated with third-party systems. These services communicated with the company’s solutions and aggregated all data in a central service.
By agreement with the client, SoltexPay had the following functionality:
- Invoice processing;
- Automatic debit from the card;
- Currency conversion;
- Integration with other payment systems;
- Identity management;
- Role based access control;
- Account management with balance and transaction history;
- Money transfer and payments;
- Payment scheduling;
- Identity and access management.
- For integration with BTCPAY (open-source cryptocurrency payment processor) and Capitalist payment system we used out-of-the-box APIs and created custom connectors to provide secure payment channels to users.
In addition, to optimize the workflow of the entire system and analyse the finance flow our company delivered for SoltexPay:
- Real-time reporting and built-in analytics;
- Estimating and planning a budget;
- Smart advisors and recommendations;
- User activity monitoring;
- Income statements;
- Cash flow statements;
- Customized personal dashboards.
On the technical side:
– SaaS platform in the form of SPA (single page application);
– Popular Framework Vue.js for Front-end part;
– Redis docker for speeding up work with big data amount collected in real time;
– Various testing methods: PHPUnit, Integration Testing, Functional Testing, Load Testing.
Laravel, Vue, PostgresQL, Redis, RabbitMQProject size
1 Senior Back-end
1 Middle Back-end
1 Middle Front-end
1 UX/UI Designer
1 Team Lead
1 Business Analyst
4 monthsCategory

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