MoneyPageApp product development


Our client, a Canadian-based affiliate marketing agency, turned to ITSDev to develop MoneyPageApp, a landing page management system. The new product development process included 4 stages : discovery phase, mvp development, product redesign and product development.
At the final stage of MoneyPageApp development, it was necessary to prepare the landing page management system for public use. Our team had the following tasks:
- Develop and implement missing functionality;
- Organize a smooth operation when updating the platform;
- Implement and configure product support;
- Implement and configure a billing system.
At the stage of the MVP development, weaknesses in the system were discovered that needed to be eliminated or improved at the next stage of development. Our specialists had to take into account the smooth operation of the entire system, since possible downtime would entail great losses for the company. Therefore, we decided to develop a separate service that would allow us to receive prompt notification of failures in the system of any launched campaign. Besides, this service continuously analyzed the work of ad campaigns, checked whether everything was going as it was configured.
A more detailed notification system was needed, and it was necessary to enable users to subscribe to the necessary system notifications.
Integration with the Stripe payment system was also carried out and the billing functionality had been developed by the ITSDev team.
On the technical side:
– SaaS platform in the form of SPA (single page application);
– Popular Framework Vue.js for Front-end part;
– Most Popular Framework Laravel for back-end part;
– Redis docker for speeding up work with big data amount collected in real time;
– Manage queues RabbitMQ
– Various testing methods: PHPUnit, Integration Testing, Functional Testing, Load Testing.
Laravel, Vue, Golang, MySQL, Redis, RabbitMQProject size
1 Senior Back-end
1 Middle Back-end
1 Middle Front-end
1 Team Lead
1 Business Analyst
4 monthsCategory

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